Genesis / Exodus / Leviticus / Numbers / Deuteronomy / Joshua / Judges / Ruth / 1 Samuel / 2 Samuel / 1 Kings / 2 Kings / 1 Chronicles / 2 Chronicles
Ezra / Nehemiah / Esther / Job / Psalms / Proverbs / Ecclesiastes / Song of Solomon / Isaiah / Jeremiah / Ezekiel / Daniel
Hosea / Joel / Amos / Obadiah / Jonah / Micah / Nahum / Habakkuk / Zephaniah / Haggai / Zechariah / Malachi
The Creation of the World: 1:1-5 / 6-9 / 10-13 / 14-15 / 16-19 / 20-23 / 24-25 / 26 / 27-28 / 29-31
The Seventh Day, God Rests: 2:1-3
The Creation of Man and Woman: 2:4-6 / 7-9 / 10-14 / 15-18 / 19-21 / 22-25
The Fall: 3:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-13 / 14-16 / 17-19 / 20-22 / 23-24
Cain and Abel: 4:1-4 / 5-8 / 9-12 / 13-16 / 17-22 / 23-26
Adam's Descendant's to Noah: 5:1-5 / 6-11 / 12-20 / 21-27 / 28-32
Increasing Corruption on Earth: 6:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-8
Noah and the Flood: 6:9-12 / 13-15 / 16-18 / 19-22 / 7:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-11 / 12-15 / 16-19 / 20-22 / 23-24
The Flood Subsides: 8:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-17 / 18-19
God's Covenant with Noah: 8:20-22 / 9:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-11 / 12-15 / 16-17
Noah's Descendants: 9:18-22 / 23-25 / 26-29
Nations Descended from Noah: 10:1-5 / 6-10 / 11-18 / 19-23 / 24-30 / 31-32
The Tower of Babel: 11:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9
Shem's Descendants: 11:10-13 / 14-20 / 21-26
Terah's Descendants: 11:27-30 / 31-32
The Call of Abram: 12:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9
Abram and Sarai in Egypt: 12:10-12 / 13-16 / 17-20
Abram and Lot Separate: 13:1-5 / 6-8 / 9-11 / 12-14 / 15-18
Abram Rescues Lot: 14:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-16
Abram Blessed by Melchizedek: 14:17-19 / 20-21 / 22-24
God's Covenant with Abram: 15:1-4 / 5-8 / 9-12 / 13-16 / 17-21
Sarai and Hagar: 16:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-10 / 11-12 / 13-16
Abraham and the Covenant of Circumcision: 17:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-11 / 12-14
Isaac's Birth Promised: 17:15-18 / 19-22 / 23 / 24-27 / 18:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-11 / 12-15 / 16-19 / 20-21
Abraham Intercedes for Sodom: 18:22-24 / 25-27 / 28-30 / 31-33
God Rescues Lot: 19:1-2 / 3-6 / 7-9 / 10-13 / 14-15 / 16-17 / 18-20 / 21-22
God Destroys Sodom: 19:23-26 / 27-29
Lot and His Daughters: 19:30-32 / 33-35 / 36-38
Abraham and Abimelech: 20:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-16 / 17-18
The Birth of Isaac: 21:1-4 / 5-7
God Protects Hagar and Ishmael: 21:8-11 / 12-14 / 15-18 / 19-21
A Treaty with Abimelech: 21:22-24 / 25-29 / 30-34
The Sacrifice of Isaac: 22:1-2 / 3-5 / 6-8 / 9-12 / 13-16 / 17-19 / 20-24
Sarah's Death and Burial: 23:1-4 / 5-8 / 9-11 / 12-15 / 16-18 / 19-20
Isaac and Rebekah: 24:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-15 / 16-19 / 20-23 / 24-28 / 29-31 / 32-35 / 36-39 / 40-42 / 43-45 / 46-47 / 48-50 / 51-53 / 54-57 / 58-61 / 62-65 / 66-67
Abraham's Death and His Descendants: 25:1-5 / 6-9 / 10-13 / 14-18
The Birth of Esau and Jacob: 25:19-22 / 23-25 / 26-28
Esau Sells His Birthright: 25:29-32 / 33-34
God's Promise to Isaac: 26:1-3 / 4-5
Isaac and Abimelech: 26:6-8 / 9-12 / 13-17 / 18-20 / 21-24 / 25-28 / 29-32 / 33-35
Isaac Blesses Jacob: 27:1-3 / 4-8 / 9-12 / 13-16 / 17-20 / 21-24 / 25-28 / 29-31 / 32-35 / 36-37 / 38-40 / 41-43 / 44-46
Jacob Sent to Laban: 28:1-2 / 3-5
Esau Marries an Ishmaelite: 28:6-7 / 8-9
Jacob's Dream: 28:10-12 / 13-14 / 15-17 / 18-19 / 20-22
Jacob Marries Rachel and Leah: 29:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-11 / 12-14 / 15-19 / 20-24 / 25-28 / 29-30
Jacob's Children: 29:31-33 / 34-35 / 30:1-4 / 5-10 / 11-14 / 15-17 / 18-21 / 22-24
Jacob's Prosperity: 30:25-28 / 29-31 / 32-34 / 35-37 / 38-40 / 41-43
Jacob Flees from Laban: 31:1-4 / 5-9 / 10-12 / 13-15 / 16-19 / 20-24 / 25-27 / 28-31 / 32-34 / 35-37 / 38-40 / 41-42 / 43-46 / 47-50 / 51-53 / 54-55
Jacob Fears Esau: 32:1-4 / 5-8 / 9-11 / 12-15 / 16-18 / 19-21
Jacob Wrestles with God: 32:22-25 / 26-29 / 30-32
Jacob Meets Esau: 33:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-11 / 12-14 / 15-17 / 18-20
The Defiling of Dinah: 34:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-11 / 12-15 / 16-19 / 20-22 / 23-25 / 26-29 / 30-31
God Blesses and Renames Jacob: 35:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-10 / 11-13 / 14-15
The Deaths of Rachel and Isaac: 35:16-18 / 19-23 / 24-27 / 28-29
Esau's Descendants: 36:1-5 / 6-9 / 10-13 / 14-16 / 17-20 / 21-25 / 26-31 / 32-37 / 38-39 / 40-43
Joseph's Dream: 37:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-9 / 10-11
Joseph Sold by His Brothers: 37:12-14 / 15-19 / 20-22 / 23-26 / 27-30 / 31-33 / 34-36
Judah and Tamar: 38:1-4 / 5-8 / 9-11 / 12-14 / 15-17 / 18-20 / 21-23 / 24-25 / 26-28 / 29-30
Joseph and Potphar's Wife: 39:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-13 / 14-17 / 18-20 / 21-23
Joseph Interprets Two Prisoners' Dreams: 40:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-16 / 17-19 / 20-23
Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams: 41:1-4 / 5-8 / 9-12 / 13-16 / 17-20 / 21-24 / 25-28 / 29-32 / 33-36
Joseph Rises to Power: 41:37-40 / 41-44 / 45-47 / 48-50 / 51-54 / 55-57
Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt: 42:1-4 / 5-8 / 9-13 / 14-18 / 19-21 / 22-24 / 25-27 / 28-31 / 32-34 / 35-36 / 37-38
Joseph's Brothers Return to Egypt: 43:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-17 / 18-20 / 21-23 / 24-27 / 28-31 / 32-34
Joseph Tests His Brothers: 44:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-11 / 12-15 / 16-17 / 18-21 / 22-26 / 27-30 / 31-32 / 33-34
Joseph Provides for His Brothers and Family: 45:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-10 / 11-14 / 15-18 / 19-22 / 23-25 / 26-28
Joseph Brings His Family to Egypt: 46:1-4 / 5-8 / 9-13 / 14-18 / 19-24 / 25-27
Jacob and Joseph Reunited: 46:28-30 / 31-32 / 33-34
Jacob's Family Settles in Goshen: 47:1-3 / 4-5 / 6-8 / 9-10 / 11-12
Joseph and the Famine: 47:13-14 / 15-17 / 18-19 / 20-22 / 23-25 / 26-28 / 29-31
Jacob Blesses Ephraim and Manasseh: 48:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-13 / 14-16 / 17-19 / 20-22
Jacob Blesses His Sons: 49:1-4 / 5-8 / 9-12 / 13-18 / 19-24 / 25-27
Jacob's Death and Burial: 49:28-29 / 30-32 / 33 / 50:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-12 / 13-14
God's Good Purposes: 50:15-16 / 17-18 / 19-21
The Death of Joseph: 50:22-23 / 24-26