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Genesis / Exodus / Leviticus / Numbers / Deuteronomy / Joshua / Judges / Ruth / 1 Samuel / 2 Samuel / 1 Kings / 2 Kings / 1 Chronicles / 2 Chronicles

Ezra / Nehemiah / Esther / Job / Psalms / Proverbs / Ecclesiastes / Song of Solomon / Isaiah / Jeremiah / Ezekiel / Daniel

Hosea / Joel / Amos / Obadiah / Jonah / Micah / Nahum / Habakkuk / Zephaniah / Haggai / Zechariah / Malachi


Israel Increases Greatly in Egypt: 1:1-4 / 5-7

Pharaoh oppresses Israel: 1:8-10 / 11-14 / 15-17 / 18-19 / 20-22

The Birth of Moses: 2:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-10

Moses Flees to Midian: 2:11-13 / 14-16 / 17-19 / 20-22

God Hears Israel's Groaning: 2:23-25

The Burning Bush: 3:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-8 / 9-11 / 12-14 / 15-16 / 17-18 / 19-21 / 22

Moses Given Powerful Signs: 4:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-9 / 10-13 / 14 / 15-17

Moses Returns to Egypt: 4:18-20 / 21-24 / 25-28 / 29-31

Making Bricks Without Straw: 5:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-11 / 12-15 / 16-19 / 20-23

God Promises Deliverance: 6:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-13

The Genealogy of Moses and Aaron: 6:14-16 / 17-21 / 22-25 / 26-27 / 28-30

Moses and Aaron Before Pharaoh: 7:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-10 / 11-13

The First Plague: Water Turned to Blood: 7:14-16 / 17-18 / 19 / 20-21 / 22-25

The Second Plague: Frogs: 8:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-15

The Third Plague: Gnats: 8:16-17 / 18-19

The Fourth Plague: Flies: 8:20-21 / 22-24 / 25-27 / 28-29 / 30-32

The Fifth Plague: Egyptian Livestock Die: 9:1-3 / 4-7

The Sixth Plague: Boils: 9:8-9 / 10-12

The Seventh Plague: Hail: 9:13-15 / 16-18 / 19-21 / 22-24 / 25-28 / 29-32 / 33-35

The Eigth Plague: Locusts: 10:1-2 / 3-5 / 6-7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-15 /16-18 / 19-20

The Ninth Plague: Darkness: 10:21-23 / 24-26 / 27-29 

The Final Plague Threatened: 11:1-2 / 3-5 / 6-8 / 9-10

The Passover: 12:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-10 / 11-13 / 14-15 / 16-17 / 18-20 / 21-22 / 23-25 / 26-28

The Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn: 12:29 / 30-32

The Exodus: 12:33-35 / 36-38 / 39-40 / 41-42

Institution of the Passover: 12:43-46 / 47-49 / 50-51

Consecration of the Firstborn: 13:1-2

The Feast of Unleavened Bread: 13:3-4 / 5-7 / 8-11 / 12-14 / 15-16

Pillars of Cloud and Fire: 13:17-18 / 19-22

Crossing the Red Sea: 14:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-11 / 12-14 / 15-17 / 18-20 / 21-23 /24-26 / 27-28 / 29-31 

The Song of Moses: 15:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-11 / 12-15 / 16-18 / 19-21

Bitter Water Made Sweet: 15:22-24 / 25 / 26-27

Bread from Heaven: 16:1-2 / 3-4 / 5-7 / 8-9 / 10-12 / 13-15 / 16-19 / 20-22 / 23-25 / 26-29 / 30-32 / 33-36

Water from the Rock: 17:1-2 / 3-5 / 6-7

Israel Defeats Amalek: 17:8-11 / 12-13 / 14-16

Jethro's Advice: 18:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-17 / 18-20 / 21-22 / 23-25 / 26-27

Israel at Mount Sinai: 19:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-17 / 18-20 / 21-23 / 24-25

The Ten Commandments: 20:1-4 / 5-9 / 10-13 / 14-18 / 19-21

Laws About Altars: 20:22-24 / 25-26

Laws About Slaves: 21:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-12 / 13-17 / 18-21 / 22-26 / 27-2930-32

Laws About Restitution: 21:33-36 / 22:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-9 / 10-12 / 13-15

Laws About Social Justice: 22:16-20 / 21-25 / 26-28 / 29-31 / 23:1-4 / 5-9

Laws About the Sabbath and Festivals: 23:10-12 / 13-15 / 16-19

Conquest of Canaan Promised: 23:20-22 / 23-25 / 26-29 / 30-33

The Covenant Confirmed: 24:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-11 / 12-14 / 15-18

Contributions for the Sanctuary: 25:1-5 / 6-9

The Ark of the Covenant: 25:10-12 / 13-17 / 18-20 / 21-22

The Table for Bread: 25:23-25 / 26-30

The Golden Lampstand: 25:31-32 / 33-35 / 36-40

The Tabernacle: 26:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-12 / 13-16 / 17-20 / 21-24 / 25-28 / 29-32 / 33-35 / 36-37

The Bronze Altar: 27:1-3 / 4-5 / 6-8

The Court of the Tabernacle: 27:9-11 / 12-15 / 16-17 / 18-19

Oil for the Lamp: 27:20-21

The Priest's Garments: 28:1-2 / 3-5 / 6-9 / 10-12 / 13-16 / 17-20 / 21-24 / 25-27 / 28-29 / 30-32 / 33-35 / 36-38 / 39-41 / 42-43

Consecration of the Priests: 29:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-11 / 12-15 / 16-19 / 20 / 21-22 / 23-25 / 26-27 / 28-30 / 31-33 / 34-36 / 37-40 / 41-42 / 43-46

The Altar of Incense: 30:1-3 / 4-7 / 8-10

The Census Tax: 30:11-13 / 14-16

The Bronze Basin: 30:17-19 / 20-21

The Anointing Oil and Incense: 30:22-25 / 26-30 / 31-33 / 34-36 / 37-38

Oholiab and Bezalel: 31:1-5 / 6-8 / 9-11 

The Sabbath: 31:12-14 / 15-16 / 17-18

The Golden Calf: 32:1-2 / 3-5 / 6-7 / 8-10 / 11-12 / 13-15 / 16-18 / 19-21 / 22-25 / 26-28 / 29-31 / 32-35

The Command to Leave Sinai: 33:1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6

The Tent of Meeting: 33:7-8 / 9-11

Moses' Intercession: 33:12-14 / 33:15-17 / 18-20 / 21-23

Moses Makes New Tablets: 34:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9

The Covenant Renewed: 34:10-11 / 12-15 / 16-19 / 20-23 / 24-26 / 27-28

The Shining Face of Moses: 34:29-31 / 32-33 / 34-35

Sabbath Regulations: 35:1-3

Contributions for the Tabernacle: 35:4-8 / 9-14 / 15-18 / 19-21 / 22-23 / 24-27 / 28-29

Construction of the Tabernacle: 35:30-33 / 34-35 / 36:1-2 / 3-5 / 6-8 / 9-11 / 12-15 / 16-20 / 21-24 / 25-29 / 30-34 / 35-38

Making the Ark: 37:1-4 / 5-7 / 8-9

Making the Table: 37:10-13 / 14-16

Making the Lampstand: 37:17-18 / 19-21 / 22-24

Making the Altar of Incense: 37:25-26 / 27-29

Making the Altar of Burnt Offering: 38:1-3 / 4-7

Making the Bronze Basin: 38:8

Making the Court: 38:9-11 / 12-15 / 16-18 / 19-20

Materials for the Tabernacle: 38:21-23 / 24-25 / 26-28 / 29-31

Making Priestly Garments: 39:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-10 / 11-15 / 16-19 / 20-22 / 23-26 / 27-30 / 31-34 / 35-39 / 40 / 41-43

The Tabernacle Erected: 40:1-4 / 5-8 / 9-12 / 13-16 / 17-20 / 21-24 / 25-29 / 30-33

The Glory of the Lord: 40:34-35 / 36-38


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