Matthew / Mark / Luke / John / Acts / Romans / 1 Corinthians / 2 Corinthians / Galatians / Ephesians / Philippians / Colossians
1 Thessalonians / 2 Thessalonians / 1 Timothy / 2 Timothy / Titus / Philemon / Hebrews / James / 1 Peter / 2 Peter
1 John / 2 John / 3 John / Jude / Revelation
Paul's Change of Plans: 1:12-2:4
Ministers of the New Covenant: 3:1-18
The Light of the Gospel: 4:1-6
Treasure in Jars of Clay: 4:7-18
The Ministry of Reconciliation: 5:11-6:13
The Temple of the Living God: 6:14-7:1
Exhortation to Give Generously: 8:1-15
Commendation of Titus: 8:16-24
The Collection for Christians in Jerusalem: 9:1-5
Paul Defends His Ministry: 10:1-18
Paul and the False Apostles: 11:1-15
Paul's Sufferings As an Apostle: 11:16-33
Paul's Vision and His Thorn: 12:1-10
Concern for the Corinthian Church: 12:11-21