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Genesis / Exodus / Leviticus / Numbers / Deuteronomy / Joshua / Judges / Ruth / 1 Samuel / 2 Samuel / 1 Kings / 2 Kings / 1 Chronicles / 2 Chronicles

Ezra / Nehemiah / Esther / Job / Psalms / Proverbs / Ecclesiastes / Song of Solomon / Isaiah / Jeremiah / Ezekiel / Daniel

Hosea / Joel / Amos / Obadiah / Jonah / Micah / Nahum / Habakkuk / Zephaniah / Haggai / Zechariah / Malachi

1 Kings

David in His Old Age: 1:1-2 / 3-4

Adonijah Sets Himself Up as King:  1:5-7 / 8-10 / 11-14

Nathan and Bathsheba Before David: 1:15-1819-21 / 22-24 / 25-27

Solomon Anointed as King:  1:28-30 / 31-33 / 34-36 / 37-39 / 40-42 / 43-46 / 47-49 / 50-51 / 52-53

David's Instructions to Solomon: 2:1-3 / 4-5 / 6-9

The Death of David:  2:10-12

Solomon's Reign Established:  2:13-15 / 16-19 / 20-22 / 23-25 / 26-27 / 28-29 / 30-31 / 32-33 / 34-36 / 37-39 / 40-42 / 43-44 / 45-46

Solomon's Prayer for Wisdom:  3:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-12 / 13-15

Solomon's Wisdom:  3:16-19 / 20-22 / 23-25 / 26-28

Solomon's Officials:  4:1-5 / 6-10 / 11-13 / 14-19

Solomon's Wealth and Wisdom:  4:20-21 / 22-25 / 26-29 / 30-32 / 33-34

Preparations for Building the Temple:  5:1-3 / 4-5 / 6-7 / 8-9 / 10-13 / 14-16 / 17-18

Solomon Builds the Temple:  6:1-2 / 3-5 / 6-7 / 8-10 / 11-14 / 15-17 / 18-21 / 22-25 / 26-29 / 30-33 / 34-36 / 37-38

Solomon Builds His Palace:  7:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-12

The Temple Furnishings:  7:13-15 / 16-18 / 19-21 / 22-24 / 25-27 / 28-30 / 31-33 / 34-37 / 38-40 / 41-44 / 45-48 / 49-50 / 51

The Ark Brought into the Temple:  8:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-11

Solomon Blesses the Lord:  8:12-14 / 15-17 / 18-19 / 20-21

Solomon's Prayer of Dedication:  8:22-24 / 25-27 / 28-29 / 30-32 / 33-35 / 36-37 / 38-40 / 41-43 / 44-46 / 47-48 / 49-51 / 52-53

Solomon's Benediction:  8:54-55 / 56-58 / 59-61

Solomon's Sacrifices:  8:62-63 / 64 / 65-66

The Lord Appears to Solomon:  9:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-8 / 9

Solomon's Other Acts:  9:10-12 / 13-16 / 17-20 / 21-23 / 24-26 / 27-28

The Queen of Sheba:  10:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-11 / 12-13

Solomon's Great Wealth:  10:14-16 / 17-20 / 21-23 / 24-26 / 27-29

Solomon Turns from the Lord:  11:1-2 / 3-5 / 6-8

The Lord Raises Adversaries:  11:9-10 / 11-13 / 14-17 / 18-20 / 21-23 / 24-26 / 27-29 / 30-32 / 33-34 / 35-37 / 38-40 / 41-43

Rehoboam's Folly:  12:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-11 / 12-14 / 15

The Kingdom Divided:  12:16-17 / 18-20 / 21-22 / 23-24

Jeroboam's Golden Calves:  12:25-27 / 28-31 / 32-33

A Man of God Confronts Jeroboam:  13:1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 / 7-10

The Prophet's Disobedience:  13:11-13 / 14-17 / 18-20 / 21-22 / 23-25 / 26-28 / 29-31 / 32-34

Prophecy Against Jeroboam: 14:1-3 / 4-5 / 6-7 / 8-9 / 10-12 / 13-14 / 15-16 / 17-18

The Death of Jeroboam:  14:19-20

Rehoboam Reigns in Judah: 14:21-22 / 23-25 / 26-28 / 29-31

Abijam Reigns in Judah:  15:1-3 / 4-5 / 6-8

Asa Reigns in Judah:  15:9-12 / 13-16 / 17-18 / 19-21 / 22 / 23-24

Nadab Reigns in Israel:  15:25-27 / 28-29 / 30-32

Baasha Reigns in Israel:  15:33-34

Baasha Reigns in Israel:  16:1-3 / 4-6 / 7

Elah Reigns in Israel:  16:8-10 / 11-12 / 13-14

Zimri Reigns in Israel: 16:15-16 / 17-20

Omri Reigns in Israel:  16:21-23 / 24-26 / 27-28

Ahab Reigns in Israel:  16:29-31 / 32-34

Elijah Predicts Drought:  17:1-4 / 5-7

The Widow of Zarephath:  17:8-10 / 11-13 / 14-16

Elijah Raises the Widow's Son:  17:17-19 / 20-22 / 23-24

Elijah Confronts Ahab:  18:1-2 / 3-5 / 6-9 / 10-12 / 13-16 / 17-19

The Prophets of Baal Defeated:  18:20-22 / 23-24 / 25-26 / 27-29 / 30-32 / 33-35 / 36-37 / 38-40

The Lord Sends Rain: 18:41-43 / 44-46

Elijah Flees Jezebel:  19:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-8

The Lord Speaks to Elijah:  19:9-10 / 11-12 / 13-14 / 15-16 / 17-18

The Call of Elisha:  19:19-21

Ahab's Wars with Syria:  20:1-4 / 5-6 / 7-9 / 10-12

Ahab Defeats Benhadad:  20:13-14 / 15-17 / 18-21 / 22-23 / 24-25

Ahab Defeats Benhadad Again:  20:26-27 / 28-29 / 30-31 / 32-33 / 34

A Prophet Condemns Benhadad's Release:  20:35-36 / 37-39 / 40-43

Naboth's Vineyard:  21:1-3 / 4-5 / 6-7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-16​

The Lord Condemns Ahab:  21:17-19 / 20-21 / 22-24

Ahab's Repentance:  22:25-26 / 27-29

Ahab and the False Prophets:  22:1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-12

Micaiah Prophesies Against Ahab:  22:13-14 / 15-17 / 18-21 / 22-24 / 25-28

Ahab Killed in Battle:  22:29-31 / 32-34 / 35-37 / 38-40

Jehoshaphat Reigns in Judah:  22:41-42 / 43-45 / 46-50

Ahaziah Reigns in Israel: 22:51-53

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